Covid and shipping delays
Please note that shipping is taking longer than expected with covid. DOMESTIC: As you might have heard, USPS has been slowed down and there are system-wide delays. Please allow extra 2 to 3 days for delivery.
Classic Staples

Hope Necklace
An idea was formed, sketched and made months later and immediately I put the necklace on. The following day I started having a miscarriage. I was heartbroken and in shock. I kept touching the necklace instinctually, and it dawned on me...I had made this very necklace as a symbol of hope. I shared my story and was immediately comforted by women all over sharing similar stories. This necklace carried power and was a symbol of strength, hope and comfort. I now make these necklaces for women with the intention of hope in whatever form they choose. I custom make them with love and intention. We are all connected. Thank you for sharing your stories. I am forever changed by your strength.